2 Rounds for Time:
12 Back Squat (165/115)
10 Burpees
9 Front Squats (165/115)
10 Burpees
6 Overhead Squats (165/115)
10 Burpees
(from CFTY 10/2)
2 Rounds for Time:
12 Back Squat (165/115)
10 Burpees
9 Front Squats (165/115)
10 Burpees
6 Overhead Squats (165/115)
10 Burpees
(from CFTY 10/2)
I used the rx’d weight of 115# for the back squats and front squats, but due to some sensitivity in my wrist and trouble locking out sufficiently at the top, I scaled the weight to 75# for my overhead squats.
This was tough. I tried to do the burpees unbroken, but I had to step back from the bar on the squats a few times. I tried to step back, take a few good breaths, and go after it again. It was tougher than I thought it was going to be, coming off of a five-day break. 🙂
Back squats and front squats, rx’d.
Overhead squats, 95 lbs
Nice workout.