Rest a couple minutes between each effort.
- Barbell-on-back run, 800m
Then, immediately: Max reps box jumps in 1 minute, 20″ - EMOM for 10 minutes:
Zercher walk, 10 meters, 40-100% bodyweight - AMRAP in 7 minutes:
2 cleans, 70% of 1 RM
25 double unders - 5 rounds: 60 seconds front leaning rest; 60 seconds rest
1. 6:30 @ 155lb. That was tough! Had to stop twice. Then, 41 box jumps
2. Ideally I think this would be 10 heavy efforts. I was new to this movement and ramped up: 95-115-145-165-185-190-195-195-195-195. The hard part was getting the barbell in place. If you took it from a rack you could do much heavier weight. Once it was in place, the walking part wasn’t too hard. I’d be interested to see how heavy I could go from a rack.
3. 10 rounds + 13 double-unders @ 155 lb
I like this programming. Feels like you get a lot done.