Freshmen women:
Three rounds for reps:
AMRAP in 3 minutes: 6 walking lunges, 8 medball deadlifts, 10 mountain climbers
Rest 2 minutes
Count total reps for each round and total for three rounds
Sophomore women:
2 RFT:
400m run
15 toes-to-bar
400m run
15 push-ups
Back squat 5-5-5
Bench press 5-5-5
Deadlift 5
Back squat 145
Bench press 115
Deadlift 245
Squat: 145 (fail)
Bench: 115
Deadlift: 245
Round 1: 3 rounds plus 6 lunges, 8 deadlifts, and five mountain climbers.
Round 2: 3 rounds plus 6 lunges, 8 deadlifts, and nine mountain climbers.
Round 3: 3 rounds plus 6 lunges, 8 deadlifts, and nine mountain climbers.
13.01 Little easier overall because it was broken up into sections with running in between; good recovery for the 5k 🙂
Sophomore WOD: