WOD 1 (3 pts):
5 rounds for time:
15 hang power snatch (75/45)
15 overhead squats (75/45)
Silver Club version: 4 rounds for time: 12 hang power snatch (55/35), 12 overhead squats (55/35)
WOD 2 (2 pts)
Burpee box jumps
Silver Club version: 15-12-9: burpee box jumps and ring rows
WOD 3 (3 pts)
12 minute AMRAP
7 hang power clean and jerks (115/75)
7 bar facing burpees
SWOD 1 (2 pts):
1. Snatch: 50%x2, 60%x2, 70%x2, 75%x1, 80%x1x2
2. Clean and Jerk: 50%x2, 60%x2, 70%x2, 75%x1, 80%x1x2
3. Core strength (YOUR CHOICE)
SWOD 2 (2 pts):
Snatch Balance: Work up to a 3 RM, then using the same weight:
5 rounds: EMOM, perform, 1x snatch balance with 5 second pause in receiving position
SWOD 3 (1pt): Deadlift 5×1
GYMNASTICS (1 pt each)
GWOD 1: For QUALITY (2pts)
20 Hollow Rocks
30 Superman Rocks
10 Squats
Hold bottom of Squat 1 minute
10 Sit Up to Straddles
Hold bottom of Pancake Split 1 minute
GWOD 3: PRACTICE for 10 minutes:
Forward Roll to Pistol
MOBILITY (1 pt each)
MWOD 1: Anterior Neck
MWOD 2: Ankle
MWOD 3 : Hip Capsule
« Pose Running Drills OKC Marathon 2015! (and recovery WOD) »
WOD 1: 9:44
I like that one. I like the barbell WODs where one movement leads to the next in a way that incentivizes having fewer sets of work. It pushes me harder to try to break it up less.
WOD 3: 6 rounds + 3 hang clean and jerks rx’d.
Not my strongest movement, but felt good getting back at it.
This morning:
Front squat 5-5-5: 175-180-185(f3)
Run 400m
Deadlift, 185
3 RFT:
50 squats
7 muscle-ups
10 hang power clean, 135
9:50 Rx’d — PR by 1:30! 🙂
WOD 1:
11:46 rx’d
This workout left me pretty tight for a few days.
WOD 3:
5 rounds + 7 HPC+J
@ 55 lb