WOD 1 (3 pts):
1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Back Squat
WOD: 21-15-9
Deadlift (205/115)
Silver Club version: 15-12-9: deadlift (135/85), burpees, jumping pull-ups
WOD 2 (3pts)
3 RFT:
5 handstand push-ups
10 squat cleans (135/85)
20 box jumps (24″/20″)
Silver Club version: 3 rounds for time of: 5 push-ups, 10 cleans (65/45), 15 box step-ups
WOD 3 (3 pts)
400m run
Fran (75/55)
400m run
Fran (75/55)
400m run
WOD 4 (3 pts):
For time:
30 wall balls
10 bar muscle-ups
10 rope climbs
10 deficit handstand push-ups
30 wall balls
Edstone WOD 1 (3 pts):
3 x TABATA (:20 on, :10 off for 4 min), rest 4 min after each TABATA; goal is to match total distance for each TABATA
*Run at 90%
Edstone WOD 2 (3 pts):
For time:
75 burpees,
50 squats
25 push-ups
SWOD 1 (2 pts):
1. Snatch: 50%x2, 60%x2, 70%x2, 75%x1, 80%x1x2
2. Clean and Jerk: 50%x2, 60%x2, 70%x2, 75%x1, 80%x1x2
3. Core strength (YOUR CHOICE)
SWOD 2 (2 pts):
Snatch Balance: Work up to a 3 RM, then using the same weight:
5 rounds: EMOM, perform, 1x snatch balance with 5 second pause in receiving position
SWOD 3 (1pt): Deadlift 5×1
GYMNASTICS (1 pt each)
GWOD 1: For QUALITY (2pts)
20 Hollow Rocks
30 Superman Rocks
10 Squats
Hold bottom of Squat 1 minute
10 Sit Up to Straddles
Hold bottom of Pancake Split 1 minute
GWOD 3: PRACTICE for 10 minutes:
Forward Roll to Pistol
MOBILITY (1 pt each)
MWOD 1: Anterior Neck
MWOD 2: Ankle
MWOD 3 : Hip Capsule
Edstone WOD 2 – 7:30
Felt great to work out on a glorious sunny British Day – 55 degrees!!
WOD 1:
10:54 rx’d