Sunday: Run 60 minutes for distance
You might try going at the pace you plan to run for the marathon.
Monday: Strength: dynamic effort upper
WOD: AMRAP in 12 minutes:
10 Burpees
20 Air Squats
Tuesday: WOD:
Long Interval: Repeat 4 x 5 min on, 2 min off
Wednesday: Strength: Max effort deadlift
7 L-Pull Ups
7 Handstand Push Ups
7 Ring Dips
7 KB Swings (70/53)
Thursday: Short Interval: Repeat :30s on, :30s off until form/pace deteriorates
Friday: Strength: max effort power snatch
WOD: CFE S&C (<10 min)
60-minute run: 7.65 miles.
This was quite a reality check.
I was hoping to sustain 6:52-minute miles, for a total of over 8.5 miles in the hour.
I did that for the first three—hit 20:36 to the second at three miles.
Then about halfway through mile 4 I started running into problems.
So my pace for the last 4.65 miles averaged about 8:30. Brutal.
I’ve got my work cut out for me this coming month!
Em and I ran 6.7 miles together in 58 minutes yesterday afternoon. We ran from the fieldhouse through Cascata to the neighborhood on Bryant and turned around at Mrs. Rethford’s house. We got back to our car at the field house in 58 minutes. It was a beautiful day to run. Hopefully race day will be that nice!
This run was a few seconds per mile slower than my goal for the race. Hoping to maintain an 8:15-8:30 pace the entire time.
Deadlift 5-5-5: 275-300-320
Been a while since I lifted anything heavy! Felt good.
Wed. WOD (5x7s): 14:43, subbing power clean (135) for kb swings
This is probably supposed to be more of a sprint, but I found the pull-ups and HSPU progressively more difficult on rounds 2-5. Lots of shoulder in this one.
Tues. endurance WOD: kept all 4 splits at about .8 mile. Pace and form felt good throughout, which is encouraging since the marathon is only 23 days away!