Challenge: Hollow rocks, 10s on/ 20s off x 8

Team WOD: Old v. Young

Each team has three barbells (men 135, 115, 95; women 95, 80, 65)
Teams carry equipment and run as a team from JAFH around both soccer goals and meet on west side of soccer field midfield.

Half of team on barbells—every 5 back squats = 1 point
Other half—each traverse of width of field = 1 point. In this order: wheelbarrow race, bear crawl, burpee broad jump, walking lunge, broad jump, then whatever you want of these exercises
First team to 25 points = teams switch
After the switch, when team finishes 25 points, it may join other team to get totals
When team has 100 points, run equipment back around both soccer goals and finish at JAFH.

First team to finish wins.

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