WOD: “Elizabeth”
21-15-9 rep rounds of:
Clean, 135 lb (75 lb for women)
Ring dip
Scale as needed. The cleans can be power cleans, with weight scaled as necessary.
You can do the dips on the station and/or with a band as needed.
Extra work: Endurance WOD:
4 rounds, each for time:
1000m row
Rest 90 seconds
You can program the rower under “New workout/Distance intervals” so it will do 1000m rows with 90 seconds rest. Works great!
My row times: 3:43.5; 3:47.6; 3:46.4 and 3:41.4
Well, this is awkward. ๐
I did a scaled version of Elizabeth in 6:19, and the rowing in 24:47. That was way too hard to be extra work … ๐ Quite fun, though, since my new strategy is to row during my brother’s basketball games. ๐
These were nice quick workouts.
I did the first set of of dips as ring dips, but had to rest after each one after 15. Did the rest of the dips on the station to keep moving.
Row times: 4:07, 4:13, 4:17 and 4:11. My goal was to get each one under 4:30 so it was satisfying to achieve that. ๐
Great workouts! I’m still feeling it in my arms after the WOD ๐