WOD: Jump Pull Swing
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:
Box jump (24″/18″) … or … Power clean, 135/95 lb (scale if necessary)
Pull-up … or … Ring dip
Kettlebell swing, 1.5/1 pood

Do not use bands on this workout. Do as many normal (or kipping) pull-ups as you can, and then switch to jumping pull-ups. You can do all jumping pull-ups if you need to.)


Other work:
Do one max set pull-ups (kipping is acceptable).

Also, choose one of these options if you haven’t done it before, focusing on skills you’re trying to pick up …

  • If you’re working toward skill points in a particular lift, you may do 5 heavy sets of that lift (e.g. 5-5-3-1-1, or 3-3-3-3-3)
  • Three RFT: 5 handstand push-ups; 10 knees-to-elbows or toes-to-bar; 15 GHD sit-ups (if there is another challenging movement you are working on that you would like to incorporate, you may sub it for one of these movements.)
  • Work on double-unders for 10 minutes. Count your reps. Try to string together double-single-double-single or similar patterns in order to keep the rope moving.
  • 10 minutes handstand practice—this could include working on freestanding handstands, handstand push-ups (kipping or no), and/or handstand walks

If you’ve done all those, you can do one of the “Big Tent” workouts.

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