As a team:

Run ~1 mile – alternating between sprints and less intense running. Run through the lake early to get your feet wet. Your feet are going to be wet on the Mudder. Then …
20 TM push-up (using dumbbells, raise one arm directly to ceiling at top of each rep)
15 LH one-arm kettlebell swing (to eye level)
15 RH one-arm kettlebell swing (to eye level)
20 Jumping alternating lunge
20 Dumbbell back row (bend over, back parallel to ground, arms straight down, and pull dumbbells to chest)
20 Dumbbell side lunge (dumbbells at sides, step laterally with right leg, completely straightening left leg; bend forward at hips and touch dumbbells to floor by right foot; push off right leg and make the same lateral lunge on your left leg)
15 Push-up plus row (using dumbbells, after coming to top of push-up pull one db to chest and then lower; alternate arms on each rep)
15 Lunge and twist (holding kettlebell at chest, lunge forward right leg, as your left knee kisses ground twist torso to the right; return to standing; switch legs)
15 Dumbbell thrusters
20 Mountain climbers
1 minute superman plank
1 minute side plank left side
1 minute side plank right side
20 Goblet squat (holding kettlebell at chest)
800 meter run, followed by a swim in the lake

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