
Eat real food, as close to nature as possible. It’s what we do to food that is a problem — processing, refining, reducing and altering in general. Forget about reduced fat and skim milk. The less processing the better. If you’re going to eat fat, choose good quality and go for full-fat. … fats are important for satiety, absorption of minerals, fertility, skin, hair, nails, memory — I could go on. …

Eating “fat” is not what makes us fat. Trimming the fatty part off your steak isn’t what’s going to prevent you from gaining weight, but cutting out the dinner rolls and all the sodas you’re drinking throughout the day will. We now understand that weight gain is very closely linked to insulin production — foods that cause spikes in our glycemic index (i.e. sugars) are largely responsible for fat production. Healthy fats, such as olive oil, grass-fed butter and avocados, don’t raise the glycemic index; they actually allow the body to very efficiently convert these fats into usable calories.

Read the rest of the article here.


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