Part 1: Mile + Squats : Run the cross-country mile as a group, everyone within about 100 feet of each other. When those in the front get too far ahead, they should stop and perform air squats until those at the back catch up. Score is # of squats per person (in multiples of 10; e.g. 62 reps = 60 reps) divided by time (measured in squats per person per minute).

Part 2: 10-Minute AMrAP : As many reps as possible in any combination or any order of: double-unders, pull-ups (no bands), dips (no bands), box jumps (24″/18″), sit-ups and mountain-climbers. Score is total reps (in multiples of 10) per person per minute.

Part 3: Heavy Run : Select a weight of any type (barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, sandbags, plates) and run as a class from east door of JAFH up around south soccer goal, around north soccer goal, and back to JAFH. Score is amount of weight divided by time (measured in pounds per person per minute).

It’s on!

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