As many rounds as possible in 5 minutes of:
7 wall ball shots
7 sit-ups
Rest 1 minute
As many rounds as possible in 5 minutes of:
7 kettlebell swings
7 dips
As many rounds as possible in 5 minutes of:
7 wall ball shots
7 sit-ups
Rest 1 minute
As many rounds as possible in 5 minutes of:
7 kettlebell swings
7 dips
11 rounds + 7 wall ball shots
8 rounds + 1 kettlebell swing
This was a good WOD. The dips and kb swings were really taxing on the shoulders.
9 rounds + 1 wall ball shot
4 rounds + 7 kbs & 3 dips
8 rounds + 7 wall balls & 1 situp
4 rounds + 7 kettle bell swings (KB swings were great; dips slowed me down considerably, especially getting in the bands as I got more tired)
9 rounds
4 rounds + 7 kbs & 5 dips