Run 4.25 km in the same amount of time you ran your all-out 5K last week.
In other words, you’re running at about 85% of the effort you put into your run last week.

On your own:
Strength: Push Press 12×2 at 55% 4RM every 45 secs.
CFE WOD: Run 400m; 40 kettlebell swings (1.5/1 pood); 30 pull-ups; 20 kettlebell swings; 10 pull-ups; run 400m
CFE WOD: 4 RFT: 30 double unders; 30 AbMat sit-ups; 30 air squats
Run: 4-6 x 2:00 all-out efforts, rest 5:00, until form deteriorates or you complete 6 rounds

Wednesday, in P.E.:
Strength: Max effort floor press
CF WOD: TBA (power cleans, dips)

Friday, in P.E.:
Strength: Find your 1RM deadlift
CF WOD: TBA (rows, squats, runs)

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