SWOD 1: Deadlift 5 – 5 – 5+
65, 75, and 85% of your 4-rep max (or 90% of your 1RM)
SWOD 2: Back squat 5 – 5 – 5+
65, 75, and 85% of your 4RM
SWOD 3: Shoulder Press 5 – 5 – 5+
65, 75, and 85% of your 4RM
The first set is 5 reps of 65% of your 4-rep max; the second set is 75%; the last set in each exercise is as many reps as possible at 85%. E.g. if your 4RM on the deadlift is 225 lbs (or your 1RM is 250), your sets would be 5 reps at 145, 5 reps at 170, and as many reps as you can knock out at 190. Record weights and reps to comments.
« Jan 22 | Challenge WOD: Live as a Team, Hurt as a Team CFE Strength & Conditioning WOD (from 12.13.11) »
SWOD 2: Back squat 5 – 5 – 5+
50 – 60 – 70
last set – 10
SWOD 3: Shoulder Press 5 – 5 – 5+
25 – 30 – 35
last set – 8
SWOD 1: Deadlift
last set 13
SWOD 1: Deadlift 210-245-275(12) – I felt a little rusty! Looking forward to getting back into a routine with the SWODs.
SWOD 1: Deadlift:
145 – 165 – 195(12)
SWOD 1: Deadlift
SWOD 3: Shoulder Press
SWOD 1: Deadlift
SWOD 2: Back Squat
SWOD 3: Shoulder Press
SWOD 1: Deadlift
205- 235-265 (8)
SWOD 2: Back Squat
140- 160- 180 (9)
SWOD 3: Shoulder Press
85- 100- 115 (7)
By SWOD 3 it was a real test to just reach the third set of 5
SWOD 1: Deadlift
SWOD 3: Shoulder Press
I passed on SWOD 2 because I went for a 4 mile run earlier in the day (28:14)
SWOD 3: Shoulder Press – 75-85-100(11)
SWOD 2: Back Squat – 140-160-185(16)
SWOD 3: Shoulder Press – 85-95-105(12)
swod DEAD LIFT: 180, 205, 235 (12)
swod PUSH PRESS: 45, 55, 65, (14)
swod BACK SQUAT: 115, 130, 150 (16)
SWOD 1: Deadlift
100-115-130 (15)
SWOD 2: Back Squat
60-70-80 (12)
SWOD 3: Shoulder Press
35-40-45 (13)
SWOD 2: Back Squat 90-105-115(14)
SWOD 1: Deadlift
100-115-130 (10)
SWOD 2: Back Squat
60-70-80 (20)
SWOD 3: Shoulder Press
35-40-45 (13)
Did March 2nd.