Standard Class Tuesday
3:10-3:15- Kettlebell tap
3:15-3:25- 10 min EMOM:
2 power cleans
*After a solid warm-up begin to add weight to the barbell and get a sense of what your first “working set” will be”. A “working set” is a set that actually counts as one of your lifts for today. Your warm-up sets do not count. This is also a great day to focus on your technique during what time is left in each minute. Pay attention to how the previous lift felt and intentionally improve your next lift. You can creep up in loading over the course of the 10 minutes or you can try to hold a certain loading across all sets.
3:25-3:50- Partner WOD: 15 min. AMRAP
6 partner-assisted pull-ups, C2B pull-ups or bar muscle-ups (switch roles each round; each do hardest variation you can)
50 ft kettlebell walking lunge partner A
6 hang power cleans (95/55) one after the other
50 ft kettlebell walking lunge partner B
*Half start on the power cleans, half on the pull-ups.
Category: . P.E. Men
Standard Class Tuesday
Partner WOD:
20-minute EMOM:
5 thrusters (95/45)
5 burpees over the bar
*Each partner has one minute to finish the reps; while Partner A completes the reps, Partner B holds a plank at top of the push-up. If the partner holding a plank drops out, the partner performing the reps must wait until the plank is established again. Switch every minute.
Barbell Strength:
Squat 2-2-2-ME @ 70-80-85-90%
EMOM 12 minutes: 3 reps @ 70%
Gymnastic Strength:
Front uprise drill on boxes
3 hollow rocks followed by push on box to stand. View full article »
Standard Class:
Pull-up practice
WOD: Partner Running “Angie”
400m run
100 pull-ups
400m run
100 push-ups
400m run
100 sit-ups
400m run
100 air squats
400m run View full article »
Most points = best class
- Leave It on the Floor (whole class)
- Rowing Relay (whole class)
- Deadlift face-off
- L-sit challenge
- Max power cleans, 1 min
- Couplet
- Endurance
- Pull-up challenge
- Sandbag Relay (whole class)
Great job everyone!
The top 8 women for the fitness competition were:
Here are the results from this year’s powerlifting meet:
Power Lifting Meet Results_2018
For those interested in comparing, here are the United States Powerlifting Association standards for the Open and Junior divisions:
USPA-Junior & Open Standards-in-pounds-Men
1. Skill Work: pull-ups, toes-to-bar, hand stands, hollow rock
2. WOD: 10m shuttle sprints
Set up two cones 10 meters apart. With a running clock perform one 10m sprint the 1st minute. Perform 2 x 10m shuttle sprints the 2nd minute. Perform 3 x 10m shuttle sprints the 3rd minute. Continue in this manner as long as possible until you fail to achieve the required shuttle sprint in the appropriate minute. On the turnaround ensure that one foot crosses the designated line and that one hand touches the ground as well.
3. Mobility: 10 min squat archetype
1. Squat EMOM for 10 min: 3@75 of 5RM
2. Press EMOM for 10 min: 3@75 of 5RM
3. Dimmel deadlift: 10-10-10; superset w/ wide grip pull-up: 7-7-7
4. 9 rounds for distance: Run 15 sec; rest 45 sec.