Category: . P.E. Women

Partner WOD:

50 med ball sit-ups (8-12 lbs; partners lock ankles, both partners sit-up each time, but pass med ball between them each time)
50 ball slams back and forth (each catch = 1 rep)
50 squat-n-toss (like a wallball, only you’re tossing it into the air to hit partner’s chest; each pass = 1 rep)
Med ball throw, length of soccer field and back (alternating partners, throw from chest or backward over head for max distance; partner picks up from where ball stops rolling)

Freshmen–using the instruction from class on rowing …

Row: 250m – 500m – 1000m – 500m – 250m
Rest between rows for the same time the row took. E.g. after a 50-second 250, rest 50 seconds before starting the 500.
Damper setting must be on 1. Do not strap your feet in.
Really strive to keep back straight throughout, letting hips do the work rather than quads.

For students departing from the Wendler cycle:

SWOD 1: Front squat 5-5-5-5-5 (how-to video)

SWOD 2: Power clean 3-3-3-3-3 (video)
Remember, these are max efforts. Try to go up in weight each set, going as heavy as you can without your form degrading.

SWOD 3: Weighted pull-up 5-5-3-3-1
Good method to get the weight on: video; here is another video with lots of variations, but mute your sound before you click on it! The noise in the background is hideous.

Okay students! Which AC class is more fit? Today we find out.

In this WOD, each person tries to accumulate as many points as possible for the class. You are trying, as a group, to outscore the other class.

It will consist of three parts, each 5 minutes long with a 1 minute rest in between, with one third of the class at each station:

1) Max distance run : each 100m = 10 points

2) AMRAP in 5 min: 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats : each rep = 1 point
(Band-assisted pull-ups = 3 points for 5 reps; push-ups from knee = 5 points for 10 reps)

3) For max points: load barbells 95lb for men, 65lb for women. 1 point for each distance covered by the barbell: ground to hang; hang to rack; rack to overhead
(1 point lifts: deadlift, hang power clean, push press, front squat, back squat; 2 point lifts: power clean, hang power snatch, thruster; 3 points: any complete ground-to-overhead movement)

Note: Bad form on the barbell = 1-5 point penalty, instructor discretion

At the end, we will total your points as a class. Once both classes have done it, we will multiply each class’s point total by the number of participants in the other class.

Class with highest total will be crowned the fittest!

3 rounds for total reps of:

30 seconds of Deadlifts @ Bodyweight (or 60% of 4RM)
30 seconds of Hand-Release Push-ups
30 seconds of Hollow Rocks
30 seconds of KB Swings, 1.5/1 pood

Rest 1:00 between rounds. Post reps per exercise for each round to comments.

From CrossFit Endurance

For those choosing to depart from the Wendler strength cycle, here are this week’s strength workouts. Freshmen, my hope is to do SWOD2 during class on Wednesday, and SWOD3 during class on Friday.

SWOD 1: Push press 5-5-3-3-1 (first review this push press video)
On this, the idea is to go as heavy as you can, increasing the weight for each set. The last rep of each set should be a fight. If you feel you can go heavier, you’re welcome to do one more heavy single for a sixth set.

SWOD 2: Overhead squat 5-5-5-5-5 (overhead squat video)
This is a difficult movement. Really try to lock in your form here, with your shoulders active, arms locked out, chest up, getting to the bottom of the squat while keeping your knees out. Challenge yourself and go as heavy as you can without any degradation in form–but if your form is shaky, don’t go up in weight.

SWOD 3: Front squat 12×2 (12 sets of 2 reps), every 45 seconds (front squat video), dynamic effort @ 50-55% of back squat 4RM
The purpose of a “dynamic effort” is bar speed. The weight is lighter, so strive to make each rep as explosive as possible, driving up rapidly from the bottom of each squat.

Record weights used to comments