Category: . P.E. Women

Crossfit total:
1 rep max back squat
1 rep max shoulder press
1 rep max deadlift
Work up to find a new one rep max at each of the three movements

Mobility: PNF Posterior Chain

Short Interval | Run 200m every 90 seconds, repeat until form/pace deteriorates
long Interval | Run 800m rest 2:00, repeat until form/pace deteriorates
Time Trial | Run 5k

10-to-1: strict pull ups, strict toes to bar. Each time you come off the bar perform 10 superman rocks

7 rounds of 7 reps of:

Elevated Push-ups

Med-ball sit-ups

Seated Trunk Rotation

Box jump with squat

Overhead squat

Bridge with rotation

Med ball lunge push

3-3-3-3-3-3-3 Push Jerks
Warm up until you’re using about 70% of your 1 rep max and work your way up through the 7 rounds to find a new 3 rep max. Don’t start counting the sets of 3 until your using substantial weight.

Best Shoulder Mob Ever

Short Interval: Run: Repeat 400m, recover :60s until form/pace deteriorates
Long Interval: Row: Repeat 800m, recover 2:00 until form/pace deteriorates
Time Trial: Row: 2k for time

Practice for 10 minutes one, two or all of the following planche progressions:
Planche Progression 1
Planche Progression 2
Planche Progression 3
Planche Progression 4
Planche Progression 5
Planche Progression 6

Seven RFT:

7 Push Press, 95/65 lb
7 Plank Triangle Jumps (In plank position, jump both feet together up to beside the right hand, back to original plank position, then up next to left hand, then back out. All that = 1 rep)
7 Pike Crunch (Lying on back with arms overhead, raise arms and legs up to center so you can touch your toes.)
7 Ab Twists (In crab crawl position, twist body by extending one arm out straight laterally, and opposite leg in opposite direction, straight laterally. L+R=1)
— [the men did 7 one-arm kettlebell switches for each arm instead of the ab twists]
7 Pike (Handstand) Push-Up
Bear crawl – forward then backward 2 times half the width of basketball court
Skip and Reach (while skipping, reach toward ceiling with hand opposite the knee that is coming up) – circumference of one half of basketball court

Each perform:

I.   40 partner-assisted pull-ups

80 squats together, rep-for-rep

II. 20 ground-to-overhead (95lbs)

50 partner medball sit-ups


7 RFT:
7 Split Leg Push
7 Wide Narrow Jumps
7 Ninja Get-up
7 Goblet Squat (1 pood)
7 Kneel-down Chop
7 DB Windmill Skater
7 Shoulder Stand