Tag Archive: shoulder to overhead

Barbell Strength
Back squat:  3-3-3-ME @ 60-70-75-85% of 1RM (four sets of 3, last set is for max reps)
Then … EMOM for 10 minutes, 4 reps @ 60% dynamic effort.

Gymnastic Strength:
L-sit & back lever hold
Pull-up and ring row practice

3 rounds for time:
400m run
20 hand release push-ups
20 shoulder-to-overheads (115/75) View full article »

Dec. 10

As many muscle-ups in 8 minutes,

BUT, complete the following first:

4 rounds:

12 shoulder to overhead (115/65)

50 double-unders or singles


Post number of completed muscle-ups to comments