GHD situps
walking lunges
toes to bar
side (lateral) lunges
box jump
Tag Archive: deadlift
3 attempts at your one rep max of the following lifts:
Back Squat
Shoulder Press
Then add up the weight on each of your heaviest lifts and add them up…..and there you have it! Your Crossfit Total!
The cycle begins again! However, this time you start by bumping your 4RM! Raise the top number on your deadlift and back squat by 10 lbs, and on your shoulder press by 5 lbs. Just watch—you’re getting stronger!
Deadlift 5 – 5 – 5+
65, 75, and 85% of your new 4-rep max
Back squat 5 – 5 – 5+
65, 75, and 85% of your new 4RM
Shoulder Press 5 – 5 – 5+
65, 75, and 85% of your new 4RM
The first set is 5 reps of 65% of your 4-rep max; the second set is 75%; the last set in each exercise is as many reps as possible at 85%. E.g. if your 4RM on the deadlift is 225 lbs (or your 1RM is 250), your sets would be 5 reps at 145, 5 reps at 170, and as many reps as you can knock out at 190. Record weights and reps to comments.
for time:
25 pullups
50 deadlifts
50 pushups
50 box jumps
50 floor wipers
50 medicine ball cleans
25 pullups
SWOD 1: Deadlift 5 – 5 – 5
40, 50, and 60% of your 4-rep max (or 90% of your 1RM)
SWOD 2: Backsquat 5 – 5 – 5
40, 50, and 60% of your 4-rep max (or 90% of your 1RM)
SWOD 3: Shoulder Press 5 – 5 – 5
40, 50, and 60% of your 4-rep max (or 90% of your 1RM)
This is the last week in the Wendler cycle, the deloading phase. The last set is not a plus one (+1) effort. Piece of cake!