8 rounds for max reps of:
Power snatch, 20 seconds (95/45)
10 seconds rest
Thrusters, 20 seconds (95/45)
10 seconds rest
« Frosh-Soph Fitness Faceoff! Exercise Builds Your Brain Power! »
8 rounds for max reps of:
Power snatch, 20 seconds (95/45)
10 seconds rest
Thrusters, 20 seconds (95/45)
10 seconds rest
« Frosh-Soph Fitness Faceoff! Exercise Builds Your Brain Power! »
yeah… seriously! 🙂
My new favorite movement: Tabata thrusters!
79 total reps, rx’d
I had a lot of trouble locking out at the top with my left shoulder. I need to do some major mobilization on my shoulders. Both are pretty tight.