Challenge WOD: Chipper
For time:
500m Row
50 Box jump, 20”
50 Push-ups
50 Sit-ups
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Back extensions
50 Dips
20 Turkish Get-ups, alternating arms, 1.5 pood
BtW mean: 27:10
WOD 2: Run-G2O-T2B
400m run
21 Ground to overhead, 95/65 lb
21 Toes to bar
400m run
15 G2O
15 T2B
400m run
9 G2O
9 T2B
WOD 3: Half-miles
3 RFT of:
Run 800 meters
Rest 2 minutes
Use the first of your three runs as a Skill Challenge:
White: 4:20; green: 3:20; blue: 2:50; black: 2:20
Before each SWOD: Burgener warmup, 10 sets.
SWOD 1: Floor to overhead, anyway, 3-3-3-3-3
Record weight and method used, play with the sets but use same technique per each set.
SWOD 2: Overhead squat, 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
These are strict!
SWOD 3: Snatch, 3-3-1-1-1
« How to become the envy of everyone you encounter For the week of November 27 »
WOD 3: First run = 2:50
Overall = 13:06
Not too bad, need to practice running a lot more
[b]Challenge WOD[/b] : 28:16. At that absolutely incredible T-Ball last night (fantastic job, everyone who put that together!), I had two of everything. Ergo, I didn’t feel too spectacular this morning. But I got the work done, and actually it was pretty fun. Ending with the dips and TGUs makes this workout sort of grind to a standstill at the end for me. But actually the TGUs got easier as I went and I figured out the form better. I just practically never do this movement.
Happy Thanksgiving everybody!
Today, in class: Static Holds
Front plank to failure
Left plank to failure
Right plank to failure
Time: just under 5 minutes
Bottom of squat to failure
Time: ? didn’t find out
My abs are still torn up from that GHD/MU wod–my lower abdominals started shaking less than a minute after I started that front plank. The squat hold was a lot better.
2 minute rest
Times: 1)2.21, 2)2.35, 3)2.51
Lots of fun, but I was bombed after that first round.
2 minute rest
It was 34 degrees. Needless to say, this was difficult.
Push Press 5-5-5
Hodgepodge WOD:
1000m row
50 GHD situps
50 back extensions
500m row
50 pushups
50 squats
500m row
25 KB swings, 1 pood
25 deadlift, 95#
50 abmat situps
[b]WOD3[/b] (half-miles) : 2:31; 2:59; 3:21. Ouch. Thanksgiving started early for the Hillikers, and wow. I felt like I was hauling a Butterball around with me.
WOD 2 – 14:32
I did this one cold but I still really liked it. The ground to overheads were fun. Toes to bar not so much.
WOD 3 Half Miles
2:33, 2:40, 2:44. Blech. Not fun when you still got a couple pounds of stuffing in my stomach from yesterday.
WOD1 46 mins it was the wretched Turkish get-ups that stuffed me – albeit time was spent watching youtube demos for them.
GHD situps
back extensions
KB swings, 1 pood
30 steps walking lunge, 35# OH
[b]WOD 2: Run-G2O-T2B[/b]
400m run
21 Ground to overhead, 95/[b]65 lb[/b]
21 Toes to bar
400m run
15 G2O
15 T2B
400m run
9 G2O
9 T2B
TIME- 13:57
Being my first WOD after a long Thanksgiving "weekend" (five days), I was pleased. The runs were invigorating, at about 40 degrees temperature. I did clean/jerks as the B2O method. My hands were cold on the bars for T2B, and my grip suffered because of it. I had to break them into sets and re-chalk to prevent slipping off the bar.
2:00 front plank