2 mile time trial


Pose hold drill: 2x 10-20 seconds each leg; focus on using balance rather than muscular effort to keep pressure on the ball of your foot; finish with 20m jog focusing on running pose
Springiness Position wall-fall drill: Get in springiness position standing 3 ft from wall.  Fall by moving hips forward over balls of the feet.  Maintain springiness position as you fall forward keeping ankles loos.  Catch yourself with your hand.  Repeat until you are comfortable letting go and falling.
Timber drill: 10x each leg; fall forward out of pose, keeping body vertical as hips move forward over your support foot; finish w/ 20m jog focus on falling
Change of support drill: 10x each leg; finish w/ 20m jog focus on pulling

Short Interval & CF:
4 x 200m; :60 rest

15 minute AMRAP:
10 KB swings
15 sit-ups
20 double-unders

Power Clean 1-2-3-2-1
(Use the heaviest weight you can for each set. Rest as needed between sets)

Power Clean (135/85)
Handstand push-up

Pose hold drill: 2x 10-20 seconds each leg; focus on using balance rather than muscular effort to keep pressure on the ball of your foot; finish with 20m jog focusing on running pose
Springiness Position wall-fall drill: Get in springiness position standing 3 ft from wall.  Fall by moving hips forward over balls of the feet.  Maintain springiness position as you fall forward keeping ankles loos.  Catch yourself with your hand.  Repeat until you are comfortable letting go and falling.
Timber drill: 10x each leg; fall forward out of pose, keeping body vertical as hips move forward over your support foot; finish w/ 20m jog focus on falling
Change of support drill: 10x each leg; finish w/ 20m jog focus on pulling

Long Interval:
2 x 200m
2 x 400m
2 x 800m
Rest 1:1
(Rest length of previous interval)

800m run
30 pull-ups
60 squats
30 clean & jerks (135/95)
60 squats
30 pull-ups
800m run

Shoulder press: 5-5-5-5-5

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