Standard Class:

3:10-3:25- Wam-up/running instruction
3:30-3:45-WOD: Open 19.3
For time:
200ft dumbbell overhead walking lunge (50/35)
50 dumbbell box step-ups, 24/20”
50 strict handstand push-ups
200ft handstand walk
*10:00 time cap
3:50-4:00- 3 rounds for quality of:
15s closed plank hold
15 right side plank reach-throughs
15s open plank hold
15 left side plank reach-throughs
3:55-4:05- Shoulder Mobility

3:10-3:20- Wam-up
3:20-3:30- skill work
3:30-3:55-WOD: As a 2-person team, 20 min AMRAP
15 cal row or bike
12 deadlift (185/115)
9 pull-ups
3:55-4:05- Hip/Back Mobility

Advanced class:


Barbell Strength:
Deload week; join gymnastic strength
WOD: Open 19.3
For time:
200ft dumbbell overhead walking lunge (50/35)
50 dumbbell box step-ups, 24/20”
50 strict handstand push-ups
200ft handstand walk
*10:00 time cap

Barbell Strength:
Deload week; join gymnastic strength
WOD: “Karen”
150 wall balls for time (20/14)

Barbell Strength:
Deload week; join gymnastic strength

Gymnastic Strength

Skill:Accumulate 2:00 in support on rings (elbows straight, hands turned out, toes pointed, head up)
Workout: 3 rounds for quality:

10 Knee Raises (Dip Bars)
30s plank (closed)
20 Bicycle Crunches
30s plank (open)
10 Knees to Elbow

15 knee raises (pull-ups bar)
45s hollow hold
20 v-ups
30s plank hold (open and closed)
10 toe-to-bar

10 strict to-to bar
60s hollow hold
20 v-ups w/ 6-10lb med-ball in feet and hands
60s plank hold (open and closed)
10 windshield wipers (on pull-up bar)

Skill: Muscle-up progressions
Workout: 3 rounds for quality:

7 ring rows
7 bench dips
3 chin-ups (close and wide grip)
7 assisted ring dips
20s hold in bottom of dip

7 chin-ups (close grip)
10 ring dips
7 chin-ups (wide grip)
10s false grip hold
30s hold in bottom of dip

7 chin-up head bangers
12 ring dips
7 chest-to-bar chin-ups
20s false grip hold
40s hold in bottom of dip

Skill: 10 skin the cats
GWOD: Assess which progression of each exercise is challenging for you, but still possible. Perform these progressions with a brief rest between sets in order to maintain movement standards throughout.  When all sets of a given exercise are complete, move on to the next exercise.

Knee push-up 3×20
Push-up 4×20
Diamond push-up 4×15
Archer push-up 4×10
One arm straddle push-up 4×8
One arm push-up 4×8

Squat 4×20
Close squat 4×20
Assisted Pistol Squat 4×15
Pistol squat 4×10

Incline pike push-up 4×15
Pike push-up 4×15
Decline pike push-up 4×15
Negative handstand push-up 4×10
Handstand push-up 4×10

Lying leg raise 4×15
Knee raise on dip bar 4×15
Leg raise on dip bar 4×15
Knees to elbow 4×15
Toes to bar 4×10
One arm knees to elbow 4×10
One arm toes to bar 4×8

Ring Rows 3×15
Pull-up hold 2x15s
Pull-up 4×15
Assisted one arm chin-up 4×8
Negative one arm pull-up 3×5
Archer pull-up 3×5
One arm pull-up 3×5

Bench dip 4×25
Assisted dip 4×20
Dip 4×15
Bent knees L-sit dip 4×12
L-sit dip 4×12
Russian dips 3×1


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