Standard Class:


3:10-3:20- Wam-up
3:20-3:25- Handstand practice
3:35-3:50-WOD: 12 min AMRAP
3 pull-ups
6 push-ups
9 squats
3:50-4:00- shoulder accessory exercises
3:55-4:05- Shoulder Mobility


3:10-3:15- Warm-up
3:15-3:25- Skill Practice
3:30-3:50-20 min AMRAP of:
8 hanging knee-raises
10 dumbbell hang clean and jerks (50/35)
200m run
3:55-4:05- Midline work
3 rounds for quality:
10 hollow rocks
10 v-ups
10 tuck-ups
10sec hollow hold

Advanced class:


Barbell Strength:
Squat 1-1-1ME @ 80-90-95-100%
EMOM 10 min: 2 reps @ 80%
WOD: 19.2:
8 min AMRAP + bonus time:
25 toes-to-bars
50 double-unders
15 squat cleans (135/85)
25 toes-to-bar
50 double-unders
13 squat cleans (185/115)
*Time extends 4 min each time round is completed. Reps decrease, load increases
Rd. 3- 11 cleans (225/145)
Rd. 4-  9 cleans (275/175)
Rd. 5-  7 cleans (315/205)
*Scaled: hanging knee raises & single-unders
Cleans for men: 95, 115, 135, 155, 185
Cleans for women: 55, 75, 95, 115, 135

Barbell Strength:
Bench 1-1-1ME @ 80-90-95-100%
EMOM 10 min: 2 reps @ 80%
WOD: “Nancy”
5 rounds for time of:
400 meter Run
15 Overhead Squats (95/65)

Barbell Strength:
Deadlift 1-1-1ME @ 80-90-95-100%
EMOM 10 min: 2 reps @ 80%

Gymnastic Strength:

Skill: 10 skin the cats
GWOD: Assess which progression of each exercise is challenging for you, but still possible. Perform these progressions with a brief rest between sets in order to maintain movement standards throughout.  When all sets of a given exercise are complete, move on to the next exercise.

Knee push-up 3×20
Push-up 4×20
Diamond push-up 4×15
Archer push-up 4×10
One arm straddle push-up 4×8
One arm push-up 4×8

Squat 4×20
Close squat 4×20
Assisted Pistol Squat 4×15
Pistol squat 4×10

Incline pike push-up 4×15
Pike push-up 4×15
Decline pike push-up 4×15
Negative handstand push-up 4×10
Handstand push-up 4×10

Lying leg raise 4×15
Knee raise on dip bar 4×15
Leg raise on dip bar 4×15
Knees to elbow 4×15
Toes to bar 4×10
One arm knees to elbow 4×10
One arm toes to bar 4×8

Ring Rows 3×15
Pull-up hold 2x15s
Pull-up 4×15
Assisted one arm chin-up 4×8
Negative one arm pull-up 3×5
Archer pull-up 3×5
One arm pull-up 3×5

Bench dip 4×25
Assisted dip 4×20
Dip 4×15
Bent knees L-sit dip 4×12
L-sit dip 4×12
Russian dips 3×1

Skill: Muscle-up progressions
Workout: 4 rounds, 1 min rest b/w rounds


4 wide, shoulder and close grip chin-ups
10 knees to elbow
4 chin-ups (wide, shoulder, close)
8 Tuck front lever raises
8 pull-ups

8 Chin up Grip Head Bangers
6 Windshield Wipers
8 One Arm Pull ups
15 Hanging Corner Raises
12 Inverted Row Pull ups
10 L-Sit Pull ups

10 Archer/Typewriter Pull ups
10 Windshield Wipers
5 Muscle ups
20 Hanging Corner Raises
12 One Arm Pull ups
15 Pull up Grip Head Bangers

Skill:Kip swing
Workout: 4 rounds, 1 min rest b/w rounds


10 Knee Raises (Dip Bars)
25s Plank Open and Closed
20 Bicycle Crunches
10 Hanging Bar Crunches
10 Knees to Elbow

40s Boat Hold
40 Lying Leg Raises
14 Knee Raises (Dip Bars)
14 Hanging Bar Crunches
40s Plank In and Outs
6 Windshield Wipers

20 Bar Crunches (Dip Bars)
20 Lying Toe Touches
20 Toes to Bar
30s Hanging L-Sit Hold
45s Plank Open and Closed
15 Upside Down Deadlift
20 V-ups

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