WOD 1: Push press 3-3-3-3
WOD 2: 3 rounds for reps, 45s work, 15s rest each station (alternating):
Kettlebell Goblet squats
Rest 2 minutes
3 rounds for reps, 45s work, 15s rest each station (alternating):
Push press
WOD 1:
Every 2 minutes for 8 rounds:
80-yard shuttle run; 10 yards out, 10 back, 20 out, 20 back, 10 out, 10 back
*Post best and worst times to comments
WOD 2:
3 rounds for time of:
200m kettlebell farmer walk (53/35lbs)
20 medball cleans (20/14lbs)
20 burpees
3 sets:
300m slower than your 1-mile PR pace, 100m easy jog
300m at your 1-mile PR pace, 100m easy jog
300m faster than you 1-mile PR pace, 100m easy jog
Rest: No rest between reps and 60s rest between sets
Workout Pacing: An athlete with a 1-mile PR of 8min would target their slower 300m intervals at 92-93sec, their faster 300m intervals at 87-88sec, and their 1-mile PR pace 300s at 89-91sec
WOD2: 2 minutes of tabata hollow bodies (4 rounds, 20:10)
3 rounds for max reps of:
1 minute of burpees
1 minute of wall-ball shots (20/14)
1 minute of deadlifts (115/75)
1 minute of med-ball sit-ups
1 minute of hang power cleans (115/75)
Rest 1 minute
3 rounds for time of:
25 push jerks
50 double-unders
25 weighted step-ups
50 double-unders
*Men: 50-lb. dumbbells, 24-in. box
Women: 35-lb. dumbbells, 20-in. box
Out-of-class WOD:
For time:
21 squat snatches (75/55lbs)
42 push-ups
15 squat snatches (75/55lbs)
30 push-ups
9 squat snatches (75/55lbs)
18 push-ups
*Reduce the loading and aim to complete the snatches unbroken. Try to break the push-ups into as few large sets as possible.
I am really feeling it in my arms after that workout! Whew! But I never thought I would be able to do 15 pull-ups or push press 60 lb, so I’m really excited!
We did last weeks AMRAP workout today, it’s amazing how much easier kettle bell swings are now !!! 🙂
My arms felt like lead, but it was worth it!
I enjoyed today a lot. The workout was really awesome. Also, everyone was really positive. It was amazing to see the energy that everyone showed.
Wow, the farmer walks we did here in Edstone were something else! 🙂
The WOD with the Push jerks, step ups, and double-unders was challenging, but it was awesome.
I’m excited to be learning how to do pull ups this week! And, I’m loving the team workouts! 🙂
Decided to try for my one rep max with deadlift last night, and I beat my PR by 15 pounds!!! 340ib…. Your turn Danny Coco!
Completed the 3 RFT of push jerks, double-unders, weighted step-ups and double-unders in around 13:30. A challenge but totally loved it!
Completed the out of class workout (squat snatches and pushups) on Friday before street hockey – definitely felt that one the last round! Need to work on squat snatch movements but loved doing it with a couple people from my class!
Never done Med-ball exercises before (especially like the ones done in class). It was great. It was really was working many different aspects of the body. I need to do more stuff like that.
The kettlebell was intense. Really gratifying though!