Partner WOD
With a partner, complete (in any order):
100 wallball shots (20/14)
100 medball cleans
100 broad jumps
100 knees to elbows
100 deadlifts (135/95)

Only one partner can work at a time. The other partner must hold a plate overhead (25/45). Switch as needed; plate must stay overhead even when transferring plate from one partner to the other. Any time the plate drops, both partners must immediately complete a 5-burpee penalty before proceeding.

Partner WOD:
In two-man teams, each team member does each exercise once. While one team member does one, other team member does the other. After both do one set of movements, move to the next.

1) 200m farmer’s walk (53/35lbs each hand); box jumps (24/20″)
2) 400m run; wall ball (15/10)
3) 200m farmer’s walk (53/35lbs each hand; burpee
4) 400m run; hang power clean (115/65)

Score is total rep count divided by your time in seconds

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