1. Skill Practice: 15 minutes
2. Deadlift: 12 minutes to find 5RM
3. 14 min AMRAP:
400m run; 20 Deadlifts (185/135; scale to 60% of 5RM); Handstand Walk, 20 m; 20 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
1. Squat: 12 min EMOM: 4@65% of 5RM
2. Supersets: Dimmel deadlift: 10-10-10-10; and Pull-up: 10-10-10-10
3. 9 rounds for distance: Run 20 sec; rest 40 sec.
1. Skill Practice: 15 minutes
2. “Fight Gone Bad”: 3 rounds for reps of:
1 min of wall-balls (20/14)
1 min of sumo deadlift high-pulls (75/45)
1 min of box jumps (20″)
1 min of push-presses, (75/45)
1 min of burpees
1 min rest
1. Close-grip bench press: 12 min EMOM: 4@60% of 5RM
2. Supersets: Push-up 20-20-20-20; and Hollow rocks 20-20-20-20
3. 10 rounds for distance: Run 15 sec; rest 45 sec.
Cash-out: Toes-to-bar (strict, controlled) 5-5-5-5-5
1. Deadlift: 10 min EMOM: 4@65% of 5RM
2. 7 rounds, every 90 seconds: Shuttle sprint—1/4, 1/2, full length of gym and back
3. Press: 10 min EMOM: 4@65% of 5RM
Cash-out: Plyometric push-ups: 15-15-15; superset w/ Plate jumps: 12-12-12
Monday’s workout was awesome. Almost finished my 3rd to. I just needed 5 more kettlebell swings. Instead of a handstand, we did a modified version with the feet leaning on the wall. Was super challenging but super fun. I can’t wait to practice my handstands so I can balance more and finally walk on my hands. Haha.
Wednesday’s workout was really exhausting but I like it because I could Pace myself. I had 56-51-56 as my record. I love the box jumps. I never knew I could jump that high! Looking forward to practice my jumping more so I can jump on a higher box!