Monday 9/11 — Sophomores
Skill work: Pull-up/Dip progressions
WOD 1: 8 x 3 thrusters (heavy)
WOD 2: 15 min. AMRAP:
10 box jumps, 36” (30″ box plus two 45lb plates)
2 front squats, max weight from thrusters portion
WOD 1: Shoulder press 5-5-5-5
WOD 2: Triple alternating tabata (20:10 work:rest): push-up, sit-up, squat (12 min)
Wednesday 9/13 — Everyone
17 Runs:
10x 200m
4x 400m
3x 800m
*Work/Rest 1:1. e.g. 38s run is followed by a 38s rest
*If mile time is over 8:00 for guys and over 9:00 for girls, do scaled version: 8x200m, 3×400, 2×800
Out of Class WODs—your choice:
Challenge WOD: 9/11 Tribute WOD (5 points if Rx’d; 4 points if scaled—but it should be hard)
For time:
Row, 2001 m
11 Box Jumps, 36/30 in
11 Thrusters, 125/85 lbs
11 Burpee Pull-up (chest-to-bar)
11 Power Cleans, 175/125 lbs
11 Handstand Push Ups
11 Kettlebell Swings, 2/1.5 pood
11 Toes to Bar
11 Deadlifts, 175/125 lbs
11 Push Jerks, 110/75 lbs
Row, 2001 m
or …
Two Metcons
10 Kettlebell swings @ 2/1.5 pood
5 Burpees
Sumo deadlift high pull @ 95/65
Push Press @ 95/65
*If you are newer to CrossFit, 1.5 pood / 65 lb, or even 1 pood /45 lb
200s: :32.9, :36, :35.5, :38.3, :36.5, :39.5, :38.1, :40.3, :40.4, 42.3
400s: 1:34.9, 1:33.5, 1:35.2, 1:37.2
800s 3:18.7, 3:25.4, 3:00
Total: 22:24.7 secs (total time just over 42 minutes)
I did the challenge WOD on 8/29: 28:37, Rx’d
I also did the Two Metcons on 9/1: 7 rounds + 10 kb swings, and 5:35, Rx’d
Did Monday’s work on 9/6:
Thrusters: 135-145-155-160-165(f3)-165(f3)-160-160
WOD 2: 12 rounds + 8 box jumps @ 160, Rx’d
Monday Freshman WOD 2: 296 reps.
Great workout today! Intense but loved it!
Shoulder press: 45lb
Push-ups= 8
Sit-ups = 13
Squats= 15
What a fun workout. The 10 second break was just long enough for us to cheer each
other on!
Maintained 10 push ups, 10 sit ups and 14 squats in the Tabata.
This is one of my favorite workouts. It teaches you to pace and to push yourself at the same time so I really enjoy it.
I got:
push ups-13
Sit ups-15