WOD: Men and women mixed teams of 4
Team members 1 and 2 (1 man, 1 woman)
10 min AMRAP:
100m sprint (50 meters = 5 reps)
10 air squats
10 deadlift, 185/115lb
One partner works at a time, like a relay
Meanwhile … team members 3 and 4 (1 man, 1 woman)
10 min AMRAP:
100m sprint
10 air squats
10 pull-ups
Also a relay
Rest 3 min—then switch: 1 and 2 go to the pull-ups, 3 and 4 to the deadlifts.
Then … rest 5 minutes, then as a team with one man and one woman working at a time:
For time:
100 ground to overhead, 95/55lb
Score = total reps minus the number of seconds it took to do the G-2-O.
That was a whole heap of fun!
Team Mr.H (David M, Kaitlyn, Maria and me) scored 773.
We got 990 reps on the AMRAPS and finished the G2O in 3:37.
I also did split jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1:
Yes Sir,
that was a terrific workout,
was great to work out with the Ladies, made us men work harder haha, 😀
thanks a lot 🙂