Challenge WOD (4 pts):Dae Han
3 RFT:
Run 800 meters with a 45 pound barbell (or sandbag)
15 foot Rope climb, 3 ascents
12 thrusters (135/85)

Silver Club version: 3 RFT: 400m run w/ 10lb sandbag, 6 rope climb sit to stands, 9 thrusters

WOD 2 (4 pts): 15 minute AMRAP:
3 hang cleans (115/65)
2 rounds:
-3 pull-ups
-6 push-ups
-9 box jumps (24/20)

Silver Club version: 12 minute AMRAP: 3 hang cleans, then 2 rounds 3 pull-ups, 6 push-ups, 9 box step-ups

WOD 3 (3 pts): 15.1
Complete as many rounds as possible in 9 minutes of:
15 toes-to-bars
10 deadlift (115/75)
5 snatches (115/75)

After completing 15.1, find a one-rep max clean and jerk


Edstone WOD 1 (3 pts):
9 minute AMRAP:
3 Tuck Jumps
3 Squats
3 Broad Jumps

Edstone WOD 2
(3 pts):
3 RFT:
50 Situps
400m run

STRENGTH (1 pt each):

SWOD 1 (3 points)

3 position snatch (1x high hang+1x hang+1x floor): 5 rounds – Every 2 minutes, complete:

-1x 3 position snatch (Round 1 = 75%, rd 2-3 = 78%, rd 4-5 = 80%…or max for the day)

Part 2: Snatch push press: 81%x5x5 sets. Percentages taken off your 1 RM snatch.

Core: 3-4 rounds:
1) 5x Sotts press (Snatch grip behind the neck)
-rest 60 seconds
2) 15x banded good morning
-rest 60 seconds
3) 3x max height box jump
-rest as needed

SWOD 2:  Front Squat 5×3

SWOD 3: Deadlift 5×1



EWOD 1 (1 pt)Short interval: Run: 4 rounds of 90s on, :60s off

EWOD 2 (2 pt): Long interval: Run: Repeat 800m, recover 2:00 until form/pace deteriorates

EWOD 3 (2 pts): Choose ONE of the following
Bike: 10M @ 80%
Run: 5k @ 80%
Row: 10k @ 80%
Ruck: 2k @ 80%


GYMNASTICS (1 pt each)

GWOD 1: For QUALITY (2pts)
20 Hollow Rocks 
30 Superman Rocks 

10 Squats 
Hold bottom of Squat  1 minute
10 Sit Up to Straddles 
Hold bottom of Pancake Split  1 minute

GWOD 3: PRACTICE for 10 minutes:
Forward Roll  to  Pistol 

MOBILITY (1 pt each)

MWOD 1:  Anterior Neck

MWOD 2:  Ankle

MWOD 3 : Hip Capsule

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