Challenge WOD: Cindy or Mary
Cindy: AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats
Mary: AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
5 handstand push-ups
10 one-legged squats, alternating
15 pull-ups
Post your choice and rounds completed to comments.
WOD 2: Five Rounds
5 RFT:
7 Handstand Push Ups
14 Toes to Bar
21 Hip Extensions
Silver Club: 5 RFT: 7 push-ups, 11 sit-ups, 15 goblet squats with 1-pood kettlebell
WOD 3: AMRAP in 5 minutes
5 Deadlifts (305/185)
10 Burpees
SWOD 1: Back Squat 5×3
SWOD 2: Bench Press 5×3
SWOD 3: Deadlift 5×1
EWOD 1: Short interval: For distance: Run repeat 90 seconds on, 60 seconds off until form/pace deteriorates
EWOD 2: Long interval:4 rounds, each for time of: 800-meter run. Rest as needed between efforts.
EWOD 3: Run 5 miles @ 85% effort
GWOD 1: Bridge-Ups
50 Bridge-ups
Recover 3 minutes
Hold bridge up for 2 minutes
If unable to perform a solid, unbroken bridge-up, scale it down using one of the following progressions: click here.
Bridge ups are a great way to open up the shoulders and improve your front rack position.
GWOD 2: Strengthening the False Grip
Perform one of the following:
5 rounds of 12 second false grip bar hang (if needed, scale down standing on a box), or,
5 rounds of 5 false grip bar pull-ups
Rest between rounds as needed
Video for false grip progressions.
GWOD 3: Handstands
5 minute Handstand Forward Roll practice
5 minute Kick Up to Handstand practice
Try to hold the freestanding handstand as long as possible.
Video for Kick-Up-to-Handstand progression.
MWOD 1: Set up the Knee Hinge
MWOD 2: Better Shoulder Position
MWOD 3: Couch Stretch
« 12.28 Week 1.11 Week »
WOD 2: Five Rounds – 13:09
Good one.
So–my plan is to do a half-marathon. Signed up for the OKC Marathon this past week.
Nice to have a goal to shoot for.
When I ran the marathon, I did the first 13.1 miles in 1:43.
So I’m hoping to hit around 1:35 for the half by itself.
Should be fun!
I did a variation of Cindy: 6 RFT:
5 weighted pull-ups (25lb)
10 fingertip push-ups
15 sandbag squats (50 lb, over one shoulder, alternating)
Cindy: 8 rounds