Set rower for 3 intervals of 2 minutes of rowing and 2 minutes of “rest.” During the first rest period, perform max push-ups; the second rest period, max sit-ups; and the third rest period, max squats.
The community speaks:
- Mary Changa wanje on HWACFCPM!!
- Isaiah on Swans in Flight 5K Results
- Bill Wallace on PE week of 1/20
- Bill Wallace on PE week of 1/26
- Bill Wallace on PE week of 2/3
- Bill Wallace on PE week of 2/10
- Bill Wallace on AC PE week of 2/19
- Bill Wallace on AC PE week of 2/24
- Bill Wallace on AC PE week of 3/2
- Kathleen Hochstetler on PE week of 2/10
- Bill Wallace on PE week of 12/9
- Bill Wallace on PE week of 12/2
- Bill Wallace on PE week of 11/25
- Bill Wallace on PE week of 11/18
- Bill Wallace on PE week of 11/11
Recent most-completed WODs
200m run 400m run 500m row 800m run back squat box jump burpee chest-to-bar pull-up clean clean and jerk deadlift dip double-under farmer's walk front squat ghd sit-up goblet squat handstand push-up hang power clean kettlebell swing knees-to-elbows medicine ball clean muscle-up overhead squat power clean power snatch pull-up push-up push jerk push press ring dip rope climb row run shoulder press sit-up sprint squat squat clean sumo deadlift high pull thruster toes-to-bar walking lunge wallball wall ball shotArchives
Averaged just under 500m on all 3 rounds of the rowing.
97 push-ups
72 sit-ups
75 squats
This was rough. It all went down hill after the start. Not sure if it was the combination of rowing and max effort movements or that it was the 4th day of working, but I just felt beat up