Teams of 4, six rounds. Each round starts with everyone completing one action:
1) Walking lunges, width of gym and back
2) Broad jumps, same distance
3) Wheelbarrow race, 2x width of gym and back
4) Piggyback ride, same distance
5) Suicides, 3x width of gym and back
6) Ditto

Each round, each team goes to one of these stations:
• 6 rope climbs (5 ground-to-stand = 1)
• 30 dips (band assisted = ½)
• 30 front squats, 65lb
• 40 ghd sit-ups
• 30 pull-ups (band assisted = ½)
• 30 wallballs, 20lbs, 8′ target
First one to finish opening action starts work. The rest get in line as they return. One person works at a time. You can’t work again until everyone has gone through. First team to finish gets 6 points; second team gets 5; on down to the last team, which gets 1. Wait until all teams are done before starting the next round. Team with most points after six events wins.

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