As a team, on the soccer field. This workout is in parts, each separated by the whole group doing 15 squats together rep for rep, holding plates or medballs as you’d like.

I. Warm-up
50m commando crawl – 50m inchworm – 50m spiderman – 50m toy soldier – 50m jog with high knee taps – 50m cartwheels
Jog to icy lake, swim to island (this is actually the opposite of a “warm-up”).

II. Sprints
Start each sprint together as a group at the back of the end zone – first person to cross prescribed distance marks the “finish” for the group (everyone sprints for the same amount of time); everyone works back to front of end zone from wherever they are.
Sprint to first cone – “bootie scoot” back
Sprint to second cone – burpee broad jumps back
Sprint to third cone – walking lunges back
Sprint to fourth cone – broad jumps back

III. Pull and push
Two rounds:
Max reps pull-ups on the soccer goal. If you can’t get one, have someone hold each leg for some support
Max reps push-ups

IV. Partner Up
Travel out to 50m mark (second cone) with one partner working; switch places and come back:
Fireman carry
Piggyback ride

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