Three rounds, for total reps:
Minute 1: Push press, 75/45lb
Minute 2: Squat
Minute 3: Hollow rocks
Minute 4: Jog one lap around the purple stripe
Post total reps completed for each round, and total reps.
Abundant Life Silver Club version:
Three rounds, for total reps:
Minute 1: Push press, 75/45lb
Minute 2: Squat
Minute 3: Jog one lap around the purple stripe
10 I did this!
« Aug 27 Bench press »
I did 131, 116, 103 = 350 reps total, Rx’d
Those hollow rocks got really tough!
I completed 104, 100, 100 = 304 reps total rx’d
99, 90, 96= 285
72, 62, 57 = 191 (Shoulder press, 35lb, instead of push press)