4 rounds + 1 kb swing @95 lbs and Russian swings
I did it for 12 minutes and in that time was only able to get through:
5 rounds + 2 hspu
I’m trying to learn kipping hspus. I’ve got it, basically, but they are slow and clumsy.
Anyway it’s nice to be doing full ROM on hspus.
I just can’t do very many of them. By the end they were singles, with rest, and I only did 27 total.
I scaled back the kbs and thrusters to give myself more of a fighting chance on the hspus.
4 rounds + 3 kettle bell swings
3 + 10 kettlebells
3 rounds + 8 pull-ups
4 rounds + 1 kb swing @95 lbs and Russian swings
I did it for 12 minutes and in that time was only able to get through:
5 rounds + 2 hspu
I’m trying to learn kipping hspus. I’ve got it, basically, but they are slow and clumsy.
Anyway it’s nice to be doing full ROM on hspus.
I just can’t do very many of them. By the end they were singles, with rest, and I only did 27 total.
I scaled back the kbs and thrusters to give myself more of a fighting chance on the hspus.