Run 10k
All-out effort. Here is a map of a good route you might consider. It starts from my house but you can start from the field house–same loop.

Monday, in P.E.:
Strength: Box Squat 10×2 at 60% 1RM Rest 1 min between sets.
CF WOD: TBA (overhead squats, pull-ups, sit-ups, dips)

Wednesday, in P.E.:
Strength: Find your 1RM front squat
CF WOD: TBA (thrusters, pull-ups)

On your own:
Strength: Find 1RM shoulder press
CFE WOD 1: 3 RFT: Run 400m; 21 Overhead Squats, 65/45 lbs
CFE WOD 2: As many reps in 9 mins as you can of: Double Under, 2 mins; AbMat Sit-up, 2 mins; Double Under, 1:30; AbMat Sit-up, 1:30; Double Under, 1 min; AbMat Sit-up, 1 min
For total distance: Run 5:00;  rest 2:30; run 6:00; rest 3:00; run 7:00 (this is a great running workout. You can run the mile loop repeatedly to measure how far you got, or track your distance on

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