In-class EWOD: Fast and Slow
6 minutes of:
30 seconds sprint
30 seconds easy jog


WOD: Golden Corral Buffet

  1. Choose 1 gymnastics movement: pull-up; push-up; squat; dip
  2. Choose 1 weightlifting movement: wallball shot; deadlift (~40% 4RM); front squat (~40% back squat 4RM); power clean (~50% 1RM)
  3. Choose 1 metcon movement: row (calories); mountain climbers (L+R=1 rep); double-unders; shuttle sprints (width of gym; purple stripe to purple stripe = 2 reps)
  4. Decide a rep scheme, with each movement having between 5 and 11 reps, and all three exercises adding up to 24 reps. e.g. 8+8+8, or 11+8+5, etc.

The workout is AMRAP in 8 minutes of your designed workout.

Post workout and completed work to comments. e.g.: “I did: 9 pull-ups, 8 deadlifts (95lb), 7 double-unders. I got 5 rounds+6 deadlifts.”

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