Challenge WOD: Coe
10 RFT of:
10 Thrusters, 95/65 lb
10 Ring push-ups
Beyond the Whiteboard mean time: 19:26
WOD 2: AMRAP (mainsite 110926)
AMRAP in 15 minutes of:
10 Wall ball shots, 20/12 lb ball
10 Toes to bar
10 Box jumps, 24″ box
BtW mean: 7.54 rounds
WOD 3: Tabata double-unders (mainsite 111007)
The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals.
Post time for all eight sets.
SWOD 1: 5 – 3 – 1+ Deadlift
SWOD 2: 5 – 3 – 1+ Back Squat
SWOD 3: 5 – 3 – 1+ Shoulder Press
SWOD 4: 5 – 3 – 1+ Bench Press
The weights for this are 75%, 85%, 95%, working off 90% of your (Wendler adjusted) 1RM. Remember, the last set is as many reps as possible until failure. Post the number of reps of your last set.
« For the weeks of October 9 and October 16 The HQCF Community—A Whole Nother Level »
[b]Shoulder press 3-3-3+[/b] : 85-95-110(4)
[b]Back squat 3-3-3+[/b] : 165-185-210(8)
[b]Challenge WOD: Coe[/b] : 25:45 Rx’d. Ouch. Major post-Feast sluggishness. I did 2 rounds in 2:45–actually pacing myself–and 5 rounds in 9:00. Then it was very slow going the rest of the way, with short vacations between sets. I was just determined to do all the work, no matter how long it took me.
If you must scale, I would recommend you scale the weight or the push-up type, but not the number of rounds. 100 thrusters and 100 push-ups is good.
[b]WOD2[/b] (AMRAP) : 8 rounds + 4 wallballs.
Already feeling better after a day of more normal diet. 🙂
*Shame-faced* 20-20-13-12-10-12-13-10
It’s going to be rough getting back into CF after a brief respite for the Feast.
Off the main site:
7 squat cleans [115#]
14 KBS [1.5pd]
Rx on the squat cleans was 155, but that wasn’t going to happen. I scaled to 135, did the first round, and then scaled to 115.
Did the tabata double-unders today. I think I’ve forgotten how to jump rope. My lowest number of reps was 8. I kept getting all tangled up in the rope, which killed a lot of time. My shoulders started to kill pretty early on [due to my horribly inefficient DUs], but my abs didn’t start to hurt until the last few sets.
[b]SWOD3[/b] (press) : 90-105-115(2)-115(3) : I was so disgusted with myself on the third set I had to do it again. I just don’t understand why I have seen no gains on my press. Yuck.
Actually it appears I was just weak in general this evening:
[b]SWOD1[/b] (deadlift) : 250-285-315(6)
[b]SWOD4[/b] (bench) : 120-140-155(1)
So, I also did this:
[b]WOD[/b] (mainsite 111024):
LH kettlebell snatch, 1.5 pood
RH kettlebell snatch
9:13 (PR). I did this a year ago, albeit incorrectly (I was taking each snatch from the floor), and it took me 12:36. So a 3:23 PR on this left me feeling good after my wimpification on the SWODs.
[b]SWOD2[/b] (back squat) : 175-200-225(5)
5.66 Rounds
5.33 rounds