Attention Progress Monkeys and Lovers of Personal Betterment! Let’s give it a shot. Post your CrossFit goals for the month of November here!

  • Is there a PR you’ve been shooting for but just aren’t quite there?—a benchmark WOD, a lift, a max effort?
  • Is there a skill you’ve wanted to learn but just haven’t made it a priority?—double-unders, pistols, a muscle-up?
  • Do you have a deep-seated ambition to complete all the Altius Althetics programming this month?

Set a goal or three or five that will be challenging but achievable–and then turn around and cheer on your fellow Altius athletes. The prize for success is a big ol’ turkey dinner at the end of the month!

Actually, I’ll up the ante … I haven’t priced the t-shirts just yet (I’m thinking/hoping they’re around $25), but I’ll give a $5 discount to anyone who posts at least two goals and achieves them before December 1. No cheating with gutless goals. Onward!

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