Challenge WOD: Filthy Fifty
For time:
50 Box jumps, 24” box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
50 steps Walking Lunge
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 lb (women 35 lb)
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 lb ball (women 14 lb)
50 Burpees
50 Double unders
Beyond the Whiteboard mean time: 30:18
WOD 2: Row-Press
3 RFT of:
500m row
20 push press (75% 1RM of shoulder press)
WOD 3: Cleans-Burpees (mainsite 110902)
15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Power clean, 135 lb (women 95 lb)
Bar-facing burpee (video here)
BtW mean time: 9:58
SKILL CHALLENGE: Max reps dips
White: 3 dips; green: 20 dips; blue: 30 ring dips; black: 50 ring dips
SWOD 1: 5 – 5 – 5 Deadlift
SWOD 2: 5 – 5 – 5 Backsquat
SWOD 3: 5 – 5 – 5 Shoulder Press
SWOD 4: 5 – 5 – 5 Bench Press
This is the last week in the Wendler cycle, the deloading phase. Remember to set the weight at 90% your 1RM. This weeks loads are 40%, 50% and 60%. The last set is *not* a plus one (+1) effort.
GWOD 3: Squat-Burpee-K2E
For reps:
2 minutes Max Air Squats
Recover 1 minute
2 minutes Max Burpees
Recover 1 minute
2 minutes Max Knees to Elbows
MWOD 1: Improving the Split Jerk
Amazingly, this will help your kip too!
MWOD 2: Opening the Hips
As proven in today’s MWOD, you really can mobilize on anything; including a trash can!
MWOD 3: Heel Cord Love
If you’ve never done this one, brace yourself.
WOD 3: Cleans- Burpees
the middle 9 cleans were tough. Great day to workout outside!
I did a personal Leg workout.
4 reps of back squat @135 holding 20 seconds at the bottom of squat
2 ‘ ‘ @ 155 holding 20sec ‘ ‘
2 ‘ ‘ @ 205 holding 15sec ‘ ‘
800m run
4 sets of 10 standing isolated hamstring curls @45lbs
4 sets of 10 leg extensions with 2 second hold at top @70lbs
800m run
WOD3: Cleans-Burpees
Fun workout, though my stomach doesn’t get along with crossfit. Did some dry heaving after this one. That part was not so fun.
5K 34:54…shaved 3.5 minutes off my time…I think the cooler weather and non-hurting back helped me out.
Way to go, folks!
Bailey: Holding 20 seconds at the bottom of those squats = impressive. 15 seconds at 205 = you are my hero.
Tyrel: Dry heaves–you must have been pushing it! And afterward you say "fun workout." Isn’t CrossFit great??
Sharalee: 3.5 minutes off your 5K–that is no joke! Awesome!
How about that weather today?! It made the work party this morning a much happier experience! My workout this morning: AMHAP in 4 hours–as many holes as possible–3′ wide, 2′ deep. This workout chewed me up and spit me out.
[b]GWOD2[/b] (pistols): Those are so cool. I would really like to be able to do a real pistol. Okay. This is a goal for me.
[b]SWOD2[/b] (back squats): 90-110-130
[b]MWOD1[/b]: Good one. I enjoyed the hip stretch. I did not enjoy having the two balls between my shoulder blades with my arms flat on the floor. But when finished I was able to get my arms a good 3″ further back when overhead. Amazing.
I’ll be doing Filthy Fifty at 7 a.m. tomorrow, if anybody wants to join me–or just come watch me suffer.
It is Labor Day, after all!
Decided to take a run into Homeland today to do some banking…..literally!
Just over 8Km each way. It was a lot of fun and the weather was awesome!
Trip total 16.2Km.
38 minutes there, 43minutes back ( I intentionally took it easy on the way there to save up energy for the return )
Fun Stuff, but not for my hip flexors! 29+ miles in 4days 😛
[b]Challenge WOD: Filthy Fifty[/b]: 26:51
K2E, wall balls and burpees were tough–these three easily took over half my time. Everything else went quick.
I’m really bummed that I’m out of commission this week! Filthy Fifty is one WOD that I’ve been telling myself that I was going to do for a long time. And Burpees and cleans?! What a week to miss…
And this weather! I walked outside this morning and all I wanted to do was go for a long run.
Recovery seems to have taken a step or two backwards. I was feeling really good the last few days, but yesterday and today were not so good. I even went to the gym last night, but couldn’t bring myself to mobilize because it hurt too much. Even just walking is becoming more of a struggle now. Not sure if this is normal? But I’m just biding my time and trying to let it heal. Maybe I pushed it too much with my MWODs earlier in the week.
Praying for you James! And you too, Christy!
[b]SWOD3[/b] (shoulder press): 45-60-80
[b]SWOD4[/b] (bench press): 65-80-95
[b]WOD3[/b] (cleans-burpees): 9:37
Also just have to give kudos to Matt, Callum and The Dean, who were pushing it in there this morning!
WOD 2- Row Press
85lbs for the push press. Time:14:02
What is the best rowing setting for this sort of exercise?
WOD 2- Row Press- 14:25
75# push press
My goal was to beat 15 minutes. Thanks for the bit of coaching Mr. Kaleho!
I also did the MWOD 3 on Sunday. I thought it might help my ankle flexibility. My left ankle has been a little more stiff since I rolled it in basketball last season. I see why it says brace yourself, it was 30 minutes of excruciating pain.
WOD 2 Row-Push Press
13.57 #85 press
Bleh, shoulders. Not my favorite muscle group to work, that’s for sure.
[b]GWOD3[/b]: 110 (squats) – 44 (burpees) – 32 (K2E)
You guys really have me a little freaked out about WOD2!
While I’m recovering, I’ve been trying to work on some of the muscle groups that I am weaker in [e.g. chest, arms]. I’ve been doing some isolation exercises to assess and work on mainly those two areas.
Bench Press: 7-5-3-1
@95, 115, 145, 160
I really grunted that last rep out!
Weighted Dip: 2-2-2-2-2
@35, 53, 71, 88, 106 [failed first rep, made second one]
Went down too low on the first rep at 106, and couldn’t get back up, but I got it on the second try. Just barely.
Recovery is going well. I was worried I might have had a setback a few days back, but the last two days, I’ve felt really good. On Sunday, I was practicing stepping up onto a box. It was everything I could do to step up onto the smallest box. The next day, I worked up to the medium and then the medium with a 25# plate. Today, I went in there and easily got the tall box with a 25# plate. Going back down is still uncomfortable and I have very limited ROM laterally, but I’m still happy with how it’s healing.
WOD 2: Row-Press
3 RFT of:
500m row
20 push press – Woman’s bar with 2x 20# plates
Time: 11:55
Was a good workout for the arms and legs. I hate rowing it always takes a lot on my legs but its all part of achieving your goals right? Keep up the good work everyone 🙂
Did this one last week:
[b]WOD2: Row-Press[/b]
500m row
20 push press, 85#
[b]TIME: 10:45 [/b]
Today, I chose "wisely" and stayed away from anything that would aggravate my seemingly bettered back (rhomboid-to-spine area)…
[b]SWOD 2: 5 – 5 – 5 Backsquat
All was wonderful until the K2E portion of the GWOD 3…
[b]GWOD 3: Squat-Burpee-K2E[/b]
For reps:
2 minutes Max Air Squats
Recover 1 minute
2 minutes Max Burpees
Recover 1 minute
2 minutes Max Knees to Elbows
[b]REPS: 100/33/35[/b]
During the knees to elbows, the pain in my back came back with fury. I just feel like something needs to POP in there; not sure where to go from here…
155#, 165#, 185#
My hip flexor on my right leg has been a bit dodgy since the run so I didnt want to go too heavy.
Next time, over 200# for sure
Howdy all!
Ok, great football game today 3vs.1! What a splendid way to enjoy the weather!
Just did [b]WOD2[/b].
85# at 12:15.
Now time for some OTS homework! Woo-hoo!
So …
Laskey, you’re doing 185 on your third set of back squats, which is apparently 60% of 90% of your 1RM, which would put you close to 350 for a 1RM.
theMrs (so sorry about your back!!) is doing 165 which puts you over 300!
And then Speal is doing over 100 pounds on a weighted dip!
You guys rock. And I’m pretty much feeling like a little girl here.
I also tried the [b]Skill Challenge[/b] on the rings, and did 17 ring dips. So I’m not blue. Tomorrow morning I’ll try normal dips–hopefully I’m above green. Sort of an aquamarine.
Just finished WOD2. Time was 13:00.
WOD 2: 11:54
I was a wimp and used the Junior Bar for the push press but I couldn’t handle more.
Oops… scratch that. Actually 11:34
Since I am just now starting to workout since I had my appendix taken out, I did a different workout. I did the following:
500 meter row
40 squats
30 sit ups
20 push ups
10 jumping pull ups
I felt great, but had to break up the squats into sets of 10 and the push ups in sets of 5. My time was 8:28 min. =]
[b]Skill Challenge[/b]: 27 dips
Challenge WOD: Filthy Fifty
time: 36:29
Scaled down certain parts of the workout based on what I use in class. Used a 12" box, sit-ups instead of knees-to-elbows, junior bar for the push press, and 6 lb medicine ball for the wallball shots. Also did supermans instead of back extensions (on the GHD machine).
Did this one yesterday, upper body is sore today.
rx’d 7:00
Fun workout.
WOD3 – 18:20
I scaled down to 115 lbs for the power cleans, couldn’t do any at 135. 115 was probably still too heavy (and my form suffered for it) but I wanted to push myself.
Also, forgot to comment here last Saturday night when I ran a 5k. Managed to run the whole thing without stopping or walking, which is a PR for me. Time was 31:46, 3 1/2 minutes better than my last time.
Amazing!! Way to go Dan!
I did [b]GWOD1[/b] earlier tonight. That was fun. I am trying to learn how to be in a freestanding handstand position and feeling like I am going to fall over and being okay with that.
WOD 2: Row-Press
Time – 11:00
30 lbs
I’m not a fan of rowing, but it went better than I thought it would. I should have stretched my shoulders more before doing this too 😛
WOD 3- Cleans-Burpees
16:22 at 115 lbs
[b]SWOD1[/b] (deadlift): 135-160-190
[b]WOD2[/b] (row-press): 9:47 @ 95lb
I ordered some bands that are coming today. I didn’t do MWOD3 this week and another MWOD from last week … I’ll have some catching up to do!
Another good week’s worth of work!
So I did my second workout today. Since I am working my way up from doing light duty i did a 500 Meter row, 40 walking lunges, 30 sit ups, 20 box jumps (medium box) and 20 push ups. My time was 8:42 min
WOD 3: Cleans-Burpees
I like cleans but I cant stand burpees. Around my shoulders and arms hurt 😛
WOD 2:Row-Press
GWOD 3: Squat-Burpee-K2E
95lb @ 12:04
GWOD2 (pistols) This was really fun (for a workout 8^)
Around 10 mins, it was unusual, but it was a lot harder to come up on my right leg than my left.
SWOD1 105 – 125 – 155
Late on posting this one, did it on Thursday
WOD 2: 12:16, used a junior bar for the shoulder press.
also on Thurs,
GWOD1: this one was super fun 🙂
GWOD3: 60 quats; 20 burpees; 38 sit-ups
WOD #2: Row Press
10:52 Minutes
…Not bad. Not bad.
WOD 3: Cleans-Burpees
WOD2 – Row-Press
WOD 2: push press for last week 🙂 12:09 45 lbs for push press.
Challenge WOD: Whoo!
*39 Minutes
The burn started increasing with the back extensions and WB shots:/
It was my first time following through with knees to elbow. They are pretty challenging, but through repetition and focusing on gaining the momentum in the hips- I know that they wouldn’t be as challenging the next time.
I am really happy that I did it!
WOD 2: Row-Press
Time: 10:44
I used 35lb for the push press.