Tag Archive: squat

Feb. 12

Set rower for 3 intervals of 2 minutes of rowing and 2 minutes of “rest.” During the first rest period, perform max push-ups; the second rest period, max sit-ups; and the third rest period, max squats.

Each perform:

I.   40 partner-assisted pull-ups

80 squats together, rep-for-rep

II. 20 ground-to-overhead (95lbs)

50 partner medball sit-ups


Feb. 4

5 minute AMRAP of “Cindy”
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats

As many burpee pull-ups in 2 minutes

Buy in:
75 squats
50 burpees
25 walking lunges

Then … with a partner, complete the following:
100 double-unders
75 wallballs (10-15lbs)
50 kettlebell snatch (1 pood)
25 pull-ups

1st partner goes through all movements; 2nd partner coaches. Switch movements after 2 minutes or 50/40/25/15 reps; whichever comes first. Then 1st partner coaches while second finishes reps.

Jan 29

As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:

5 push press (115/65)

10 deadlift (115/65)

15 squats

Jan. 6

3 rounds for time:

50 squats

12 deadlift (225/115)

7 muscle-ups